Course Description

Navybox Tec Media VR Design Course will provide students a fundamental understanding of virtual reality design. The goal of the course is to learn the fundamentals of virtual reality design. Students will learn the fundamental techniques for creating an interactive virtual world. Students will learn about the skills that industry professionals use. And also will learn how to design, test, and polish their own projects.

Course Outcomes

  • Understand the history of Virtual Reality Design

  • Learn how virtual reality tracking works.

  • Find out how native, game engines, and web platforms differ.

  • Understand how to create a design project in the Unity and Unreal platforms.

  • Recognize the principles of Virtual Reality Design as they apply to a variety of applications.

  • Recognize the importance of comfort and presence in Virtual Reality Design.

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the existing platforms for Virtual Reality Design development.

  • Create 2D and 3D design projects within the Unity and Unreal platforms

Course modules

1Module 1: Introduction of VR Design
● A Quick Overview of Virtual Reality Design
● The Five Classic VR System Components
● Early Commercial VR Technology
● Virtuality, Immersion, and Reality
● VR, AR, MR, XR: similarities and differences
● Human Experience in the Future
2Module 2: Controllers, navigation, and motion tracking
● Position and motion trackers are two types of position and motion trackers
● From the Inside Out/From the Outside In
● Performance Parameters for Trackers
● Optical Trackers (Active and Passive)
● HMD Trackers - Inertial and Hybrid Trackers
● User Interfaces for Navigation and Manipulation
● Navigation/Manipulation Interfaces Using Trackers
● 3D Controllers and Robes
3Module 3: Light and Optics
● Three interpretations of light
● Refraction
● Simple lenses
● Diopters Imaging properties of lenses
4Module 4: Visual Physiology
● Photoreceptors Sufficient resolution for Virtual Reality Design
● Light intensity
● Eye movements
● Eye movement issues for Virtual Reality Design
5Module 5:Tracking Systems
● Overview
● Orientation tracking
● Tilt drift correction
● Yaw drift correction
● Tracking with a camera
● Perspective n-point problem
● Filtering
6Module 6: Visual Design Rendering
● Visual Rendering-Overview
● Shading models
● Rasterization
● Pixel shading
● VR-specific problems
7Module 7:3D interaction design in Virtual Reality
● Interaction in Virtual Reality
● Moving around in Virtual Reality
● Interacting with object in Virtual Reality
● Challenges in VR interaction and User Interfaces in Virtual Reality