Course Description

Electronic commerce has been growing at breakneck pace for the past couple of decades – mostly as a result of explosive growth in the world’s connected population. Such has been the growth of e-commerce that studies suggest that by the end of 2015, the industry will be generating more than $400 billion annually.

In this course, candidates investigate the various e-commerce software solutions available for building, testing, launching, and updating your own online store. Along with an exploration of responsive web content design, e-commerce payment options, and applications for tracking important e-commerce metrics course content investigates the concepts of e-commerce optimization, marketing of an online store through social media, privacy and security issues, and intellectual property protection.

Course Outcomes

  • Introduction to the basic concepts of e-commerce, incorporating its six main methods.

  • The crucial concepts of building an online store and creating effective product pages are introduced, along with optimization of checkout processes and additional website elements.

  • The creation and impact of engaging web content and how to build credibility among a target audience.

  • Introduces online and mobile payments systems along with various digital payment methods.

  • Overall site metrics, shopping metrics, and applications for tracking data and e-commerce management are introduced, as candidates discover how to effectively support their e-commerce business.

  • Investigates how marketing plans are created, social media marketing, intellectual property regulations, potential security threats and privacy laws.

Course modules

1Getting to Know E-Commerce
2Software Options and Solutions
3Creating an Engaging User Experience
4Transaction Management
5E-Commerce Analytics
6E- commerce Security introduction
7Marketing Your E-Commerce Business