Course Description

The Advanced Database Administrator course covers advanced theoretical database materials which is needed in the industry. The course completes database design and theory initiated in database administration and then adds database application development languages. Students will be exposed to the running environments and applying these on the database theory and design of the first part to develop full applications.  Students will complete projects using Forms on server platform. The goal is to learn to building a complete database application using database management system (DBMS).

Course Outcomes

  • Design normalized databases for real life applications

  • Understand file organization , Query Optimization, Transaction management, database administration.

  • Integrate data from old systems into a new system.

  • Produce scripts to manipulate the data by database programming languages

  • Create database schemas, instances, indexes, views

  • Query and develop database applications with Database programming language

  • Query and develop database applications Form based development environment

  • Examine and coordinate modifications to the system when needed, and troubleshoot problems when they occur

Course modules

1DBMS components – DB design and normal forms, SQL DDL & DML
2DBMS overview : Query optimization, transaction processing and database administration
3PL/SQL – data types & variables, program format, reading and displaying output.
4functions, package body, stored code, overloading modules, triggers, PL/SQL tables.
5working with the registry, events & triggers, mandatory forms objects (items, canvases, windows, blocks and modules).
6Data block and layout wizards, adding/removing items from blocks and canvases, compiling and running forms.
7Forms development environment, the object navigator, editing PL/SQL objects, property palette, layout editor, master-detail forms.
8Layout editor :items, triggers, LOVs and Alerts, canvases and windows, reusable objects
9Implementing a Data Warehouse